Hutto Site
Location: West side of County Road 137 across from Brooklands Blvd. The site is approximately half a mile south of FM 1660 and half a mile north of the future Southeast Loop, which is currently under construction in Williamson County, Texas.
Size: Approximately 6.078 acres.
Frontage: Approximately 570′ of frontage along County Road 137.
Jurisdiction: City of Hutto and Williamson County.
Zoning: Hutto ETJ
Utilities: Water and wastewater are within proximity of site.
Drainage: Most of the site is located within a designated floodway and the balance is within the 100-year floodplain. The owner has worked with a civil engineer to estimate how much of the site can be reclaimed out of the floodplain. The engineer estimates that up to 0.56 acres may be taken out of the floodplain. (Reclamation Exhibit)
Surrounding Development: The site is within the high-growth corridor of Williamson County and is just north of future Southeast Loop segment ( The site is across County Road 137 from the Brooklands subdivision and adjacent to a 300-unit multifamily project, which is under construction ( The site is also across from the City of Hutto’s Adam Orgain Park.